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  • Writer's picturebjordan108

Weekly Update (11/29/18)

This week the group gathered all supplies and materials needed to construct are demonstration model. The model will show a road on an incline that has salt runoff going into two different types of land forms and then into a body of water. The road was constructed out of concrete, fine aggregate, and sand sort of similar to some backroads in Vermont. The two types of lands will be like foliage and open field. The purpose of this is to show how salt can dissolve into different environment types. In addition, it will show that the salinity of the body of water will be different from the different types of land forms acting as a natural barrier for the runoff. The test conducted will test the salinity of the two different bodies of water and show how a higher concentration of salt can harm the environment. Plus, we will show and explain different methods on how roads can be deiced and make safe for travel for the public. We will construct a poster board this weekend to help students visualize are thoughts and have an easier explanation. In addition, we will construct a five questions for the students to answer ranging from chemistry, environmental, and open ended questions.

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